Dora The Explorer Illegal Immigrant? Dora La Exploradora – Dora The Explorer Illegal Immigrant controversy can be found here.

We all known Dora the Explorer the cute animated television series created by Valerie Walsh, Eric Weiner, Chris Gifford which is broadcast on Nickelodeon.
Well today Dora the Explorer is making headlines thanks to a picture that surfaced on the internet.
In the composite image witch was put together by Debbie Groben for last year Dora the Explorer can be seen with a black eye, a split lip and bleeding from the nose after being arrested.
Immigration debate enters a kiddie phase
"Playground politics" is usually intended as a metaphor — describing the all-too-frequent occasions when political debate descends into "I know you are, but what am I?" territory. This past week, however, the nation's long-running dispute over immigration policy lurched literally into the schoolyard, with a pair of incidents showing how the furor hits home for kids in often unexpected ways.
First, after a second-grade girl in a suburban Maryland school quizzed Michelle Obama about whether the president would be deporting her mother because she "doesn't have papers" documenting her U.S. citizenship, officials with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that they would not be trying to locate the parent in question. They have also announced that they will not deport the girl's mother if she were to surface.
See the girl's question to the first lady here:
"ICE is a federal law enforcement agency that focuses on smart, effective immigration enforcement that prioritizes criminal aliens who pose a threat to our communities," ICE spokesman Matthew Chandler told the Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe. "Our investigations are based on solid law enforcement work and not classroom Q and As."
The exchange highlighted the complexities of deportation as a strategy for dealing with illegal immigration, since an estimated 3.1 million U.S.-born children have a parent who is an illegal immigrant, according to the Pew Hispanic Center.
Meanwhile, a beloved kids' cartoon character, Dora the Explorer, has been dragged into the heart of the immigration fray. A doctored image of the popular Nickelodeon character — who stresses basic reading and math skills and occasionally speaks in Spanish as she travels around the world from her home in a never-specified country — has lately cropped up in disputes in Arizona involving advocates on both sides of the state's tough new immigration law.
In the altered image, Dora is shown in a police-booking photo, sporting a black eye and holding a sign that says "Illegal Border Crossing Resisting Arrest." The depiction has circulated widely, although its author, Florida resident Debbie Groben, told the Associated Press she created it last year simply to be an irreverent entry in a fake-news contest. (We are not including the image, but you can click over to it here — with the clear warning that it's a graphic and disturbing depiction of a beloved children's icon.)
Meanwhile, a Facebook group called "Dora the Explorer is so an illegal immigrant" shows Dora jumping over the U.S.-Mexico border with her backpack strapped on.

The broad political appropriation of the character is a reflection of Dora's audience appeal, experts suggest. "Dora is kind of like a blank screen onto which people can project their thoughts and feelings about Latinos," Erynn Masi de Casanova, a sociology professor at the University of Cincinnati, told the Associated Press. "They feel like they can say negative things because she's only a cartoon character." Indeed, Groben told the AP she opposes the law. The image can be read as satire, ridiculing a policy that would arrest and deport an adorable cartoon character.
As the AP reminds us, it's not the first time that a children's TV character has been conscripted into a culture-war conflict. In 1999, Moral Majority leader Jerry Falwell created a furor over his announcement that Tinky Winky, a character in the toddler-themed BBC TV franchise "The Teletubbies," was a "gay role model," largely because the character sported a purple costume — a color associated with gay pride — and a triangle on its head. The BBC countered that the little fella was "simply a sweet, technological baby with a magic bag."
It will be some time, presumably, before we reach closure on the question of Dora's citizenship status — and the related issue of which camp in the immigration debate will be entitled to claim her as a political mascot. But there may be another shot for the Maryland schoolgirl to broker a new accord on immigration: She recently told the AP that she'd like to get a follow-up session with the first lady at the White House. Maybe this could be Michelle Obama's own version of the "beer summit" — only with juice boxes, of course.
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